Margaret Bowles
Coldwell Banker Realty

 School Information

The quality of a school can greatly influence home values in an area. During your moving process I understand that the schools for your family are extremely important. We are fortunate to have excellent school choices in our areas. 

As your local expert, I can connect you with a variety of resources that will help you evaluate the  area schools.

The Orange Unified School District, which includes Anaheim Hills, Orange, Santa Ana, Villa Park Schools, Click Here

The Placentia/Yorba Linda Unified School District, which includes Placentia, Yorba Linda, Anaheim Schools, Click Here

The Anaheim School District, Elementary Click Here and High Schools Click Here

The Great Schools Listings, Click Here 


Private Schools

Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School, Yorba Linda, Click Here

Fairmont School, Anaheim Hills, Click Here

Heritage Oak, Yorba Linda, Click Here

Hepatha Lutheran School, Anaheim Hills, Click Here

Anaheim Hills Montessori School, Click Here 


Other Community Information

City of Anaheim, Click Here

City of Yorba Linda, Click Here

Anaheim Hills Planned Community Association, Click Here